Hola a tothom!

Aquest curs, a P4 i P5 estem aprenent anglès de la mà del Patty, el titella d’English. Ve cada dimecres a ensenyar-nos paraules noves, cançons, vídeos i jocs. Això sí, només sortirà de la seva caixa si li cantem la cançó de Hello! A més, tenim un racó d’anglès on posem imatges i paraules que estem aprenent.

Així és divertit aprendre anglès!


Hello everybody!

This school year, in P4 and P5 we are learning English with Patty, the English puppet. He comes every Wednesday to teach us new words, songs, videos and games. However, he only comes out of his box if we sing the Hello song. Moreover, we have an English Corner, where we put pictures and words that we are learning.

This is a funny way to learn English!