About Vanesa Parra

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So far Vanesa Parra has created 36 blog entries.

English Day

  El passat dia 13 d’abril, l’escola va celebrar el seu primer . Per celebrar-ho l’alumnat de 1r, 2n i 3r de Primària va desplaçar-se a la Nau del GER per veure l’obra de teatre “The Three Little Pigs”. Els seus companys i companyes de 4t, 5è i 6è van veure “Robin Hood”. Ambdues obres [...]

English 2nd grade tongue twister!!!

Hi families!!! Nom we are working a new tongue twister!! This one is a little bit more tricky than the last one. Have a look and good luck!!!! IT'S GREAT TO PAINT AND PLAY GAMES AT BREAK TIME!!! IT'S GREAT TO PAINT AND PLAY GAMES AT BREAK TIME!!! IT'S GREAT TO PAINT AND PLAY GAMES [...]

By |2017-08-16T16:36:28+02:006 març 2016|2n, 2n-A, 2n-B, General|

English tongue twister!!!

Ei, famílies!!! A veure qui és capaç de fer-ho millor que el seu fill o filla amb el tongue twister (embarbussament) d'aquesta unitat!!!! SHORTS, SHOES AND A SHIRT ON THE SHELF SHORTS, SHOES AND A SHIRT ON THE SHELF SHORTS, SHOES AND A SHIRT ON THE SHELF Bona sort!!! Good luck!!!

By |2017-08-16T16:36:31+02:0017 febrer 2016|2n, General|

It’s cold!

Hello families! This is Snowy the snowman. With him, we are learning about winter and clothes vocabulary. We had such a good time putting on and taking off some clothes! Also, we are learning a new Bye Bye song. I write the lyrics here so you can practise with your children at home. Have a [...]

By |2017-08-16T16:36:32+02:0014 gener 2016|Educació infantil, P5, P5-A, P5-B|

Christmas is here!

Hello families! Last week, we started to learn about Christmas vocabulary in English and this week we have decorated our Christmas trees! Don't they look great? After it, today we have also made Christmas trees with plasticine. Also, we are learning a Christmas song. I encourage you to ask your Children to sing it at [...]

By |2017-08-16T16:36:32+02:0011 desembre 2015|General, P4, P5, P5-A, P5-B|

English in 2nd grade

Hi everybody!!!! In 2nd grade we are ready to start a new unit. It is called " A new pet". It is about animals, but not all the animals! We will know the animals we can have at home as pets. Here you have a couple of videos with the vocabulary we are working now. [...]

By |2015-11-26T11:58:12+01:0026 novembre 2015|2n, 2n-A, 2n-B, General|

Science in English 3rd grade

In 3rd grade we are doing Science in English. Now, we are working the BODY. Here you can find the videos we have already seen. Enjoy them!!!   A 3r estem fent Ciències en Anglès. Ara, hem començat a treballar el Cos Humà. Aquí trobareu els vídeos que estem utilitzant a classe. Feu-hi un cop [...]

By |2015-12-27T17:57:54+01:0024 novembre 2015|3r|

Escola Els Costerets

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08810 Sant Pere de Ribes
Telèfon: 93 896 1001
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.elscosterets.cat
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