Avui els nens dels Estels hem començat a fer hípica. Hem pentinat els cavalls, el GARBÍ i el TIFÓ. Els hem muntat i hem fet exercicis a sobre com deixar-nos anar de les mans, donar ordres. També els hem rentat i els hem donat gràcies per portar-se tan bé amb nosaltres. Estem desitjant que sigui la setmana vinent per tornar-hi..
Cells Cells - Parts of the Cell Rap
This rap was created for a 6th grade science classroom to teach about the different parts of a cell. With its catchy rhythm and rhymes, students of all learning styles and abilities will be able to learn about cells and their functions while having fun!
Cell organelles & their functions
Cell organelles & their functions
Animal Cell
You will learn about "Animal Cell" in this video. The animal cell is surrounded by a flexible cell membrane that encloses all the contents of the cell. It is semi- permeable, i.e. it allows only specific materials to move in and out of the cell.
Animals Cells Structure & Functions
Animal Cell Structure -Cell is the basic unit of any living organism.They have different parts called organelles ,which carry out different functions.See the inside of a cell through this short animated cartoon video for children.